Teachers! Do you want to help grow and improve this collection? It is straightforward to submit a new set of hints for any exam paper.
First, download a blank Microsoft Excel .xlsx template file:
Then fill in the .xlsx template and send it by email attachment to hints AT nhost DOT
and either include links to a website where the pdf copies of the exam paper and its
instruction can be found
or attach pdf copies of the exam paper and its marking instruction to the email.
(however, please respect any exam board that keeps their papers out of the public domain)
Your submission will be reviewed, turned into a web-page and named credit given to you (unless you wish to remain anonymous).
If you want to view previously completed templates, then download any from those listed below.
If you want to suggest any changes to existing hints, then download the relevant file, make the changes and
return it by email attachment.
Hints wanted written for...